alert iconPortion of Route 31 Closed Effective 4/22/24 IL 31 Closed from Stearns to Trolley Museum for Culvert Replacement.  Please see home page for details and detour map. alert close


The department manages over 56 acres of passive park land, over 125 acres of active park land and over 200 acres of Protected Natural Areas. Wetlands and parks preserve the community's unique heritage and conserve its natural and historical character - in fact there is over 21 acres of open space and parkland along the Fox River alone so take care of them and visit them often. The department has embarked on a mission to prevent vandalism in the parks and to keep open space areas pristine. Click here to see how you can do your part! The department's Adopt-a-Park program is open to individuals, families, groups, and businesses willing to roll up their sleeves and create a little ambiance.